

So, what IS Teepop, anyway?

If you've ever played Puyo Puyo or Dr. Mario, you know the drill. Pairs of multi-colored blobs (tees in this case) drop down on a Tetris-style game field. The object of the game is to get at least four adjacent blobs of the same color, in which case they will disapper and the remaining blobs will collapse to fill the gap. If this results in four more blobs ending up connected, they will disappear as well. This is called a "chain".

Sounds easy? It really is. But in Teepop, there's a twist: You play against three other players! The more fancy your chains, the more stones your adversaries will receive. Stones, you say? They are "punishment blocks" that will only disappear if they are in the vicinity when you blow a row of blobs - which can be quite tricky if there are too many stones around!

For more detailed info on how to play Teepop, check out the FAQ section.