


Latest client version is v9.0.2.
Latest network version is v9.

Teepop Client v9.0.2 (win32)



BUG: Bug that causes nothing to render


BUG: Autoscroll scrolls too far on long lines
FEAT: F5 to F8 control music volume
FEAT: Volume in mixing
FEAT: Max players option
FEAT: Quit button
FEAT: Next blocks view
FEAT: Increase a modifier over time to increase hardness
FEAT: Fullscreen
BUG: low FPS when running on a 16bit desktop
FEAT: Auto select chat input while ingame
FEAT: Change clUpdate command so we can display itteration process


BUG: Bug that causes crash when typing
FEAT: Crash log when stuff goes wrong


FEAT: Music hi and low
BALANCE: Fix priorities on stone placement
FEAT: Broadcast message
FEAT: Auto pushout when rotate


FEAT: Audio Compression


BUG: Huge memory leak in the new sound system
BUG: some times the boarder and name for your field isn't shown


BALANCE: Big is too good
BUG: Client should animate last move so you see how you die
BUG: You can resize the window
BUG: Borders is incorrectly displayed when joining a room
FEAT: High Contrast option
FEAT: "Game starts" in the chat
FEAT: DirectSound


FEAT: Who sent the blocks?
FEAT: Fix BIIIG combo thingies
FEAT: Special Combo: BIG!
FEAT: Auto room name
FEAT: Log chat messages on server
FEAT: Only show fields that got players
FEAT: Loading screen (NICE TOUCH!)
BUG: Zapping can be done to early because (of the itteration?)
BUG: Some error when placing blocks (PRESUMED FIXED)
BUG: Room update seams to be broken (Room detached before game?, disconnected?)
BUG: m_mOpponents doesn't get deleted
BUG: Requires multitexturing.. remove